AI CyberSecurity, ChatGPT and Post-humanism

This is the text for a lecture I’m going to give recently. Thanks for Daniela Baron’s guide which helped me tremendously for creating the slides with RevealJS. Hey everyone. Well, first, I have to confess and apologize that I could not prepare this enough. Because I have to working on my dissertation, which also discusses about AI augmented APT attack such as using ChatGPT to create phishing email and ransomware code....

April 6, 2023 · 17 min · Jun

Cheapskate's Stable Diffusion Server

No DALL-E, No Midjourney and No Colab This is a guide showing how to build your own stable diffusion server on what you already have or cheap used hardwares. It may not satisfy for a serious production use but pretty viable for learning, testing or casual use. Before we start, here’s some comments on OpenAI: The history of ChatGPT creator OpenAI, which Elon Musk helped found before parting ways and criticizing OpenAI Is Now Everything It Promised Not to Be: Corporate, Closed-Source, and For-Profit Will ChatGPT be open source?...

March 28, 2023 · 10 min · Jun