#aliases: [“standby”]

This is my 2nd time using HUGO and hosting a site on Github Pages. It’s so convenient compare to self hosting. I don’t have to set up DDNS or CDN, also not have to patch up or update everything periodically to keep it secure.

All the steps I have done are very similar to this article, except making the Personal Access Token and Custom Domain (these are easy to find separately).

The theme I picked up is PaperMod. It is well designed that provides simplicity without sacrificing functionality. However, the Archive and Search feature are not functional by default. Enabling everything I need was quite easy with the wiki manual and the example site as reference.

Personalizing the template in the code file is much easier than the WordPress admin dashboard. To respect visitor’s privacy and not ruin the user experience with those nasty pop-ups, I disabled all analytics support by putting env: development in the config file.

I also applied another block of code to ensure all those invaders are suppressed.

    disable: true
    disable: true
    disable: true
    disable: true
    disable: true
    disable: false
    privacyEnhanced: true

The only exception is youtube, since it provides privacy Enhanced feature. What it does is turning the youtube URL into www.youtube-nocookie.com so that makes Google harder to track people inside my website.

Yes, just make a bit it harder. That’s why I also provided invidious links as alternative to the youtube video for those who cares about online privacy.

In my site, we have no ugly GDPR cookie concent popups because there is no cookie or any sort of tracking at all.

One more little thing, the image of the favicon as well as my github profile avatar, that is from a very interesting Japanese swordmanship called “Tenshinryu”. It is the only traditional school that embraces the Internet and openly share their techniques through video. That’s why I practice this school.