In This Day and Age?

Back then, when MySpace and 000webhost was the thing. I wrote blog regularly about my life and hobby. That was the beginning of my Internet journey and tweaking CSS code while posting an article was fun.

Today, I’m supposed to post my stuff on somewhere like mastodon or telegram channel but here I am. Because I feel most comfortable this way.

Dilemma of Giving Back

The beginning of my Linux journey was with some early version of OpenWrt and BackTrack, then Puppy and Ubuntu. At this very moment, I’m typing with MarkText on a Pop!_OS and all my servers are running on either CentOS or Debian.

However, it was a shame that I have never contribute a single line of code back to the FOSS community at all. I have done a lot of techy nerdy projects in the past but none of those was suitable for the propose.

Old Motivation New Direction

Last month, two talks inspired me deeply.

The Homelab Show Episode 50:How To Give Back and Participate In OpenSource Projects

Privacy, Surveillance & Decentralization Podcast | The Hated One w/ Closed Ntwrk

Both Tom Lawrence and The Hated One are not specialized in coding but they have their very own way to make their contribution back to the community, by putting good information and knowledge on the Internet to help others.

I think I can do the same, but by writing instead of talking. There are some project notes lying in my Obsidian vault. I wrote them because I found no one else did. The notes might be helpful for someone so I think they are worth to share.