Nokia N900, postmarketOS and Ideology

0x00 Before Start Recently, I just gave my iPhone 4S away. This phone runs smoothly with jailbreak iOS 6.1.3. It was siting in my nostalgia box for years and has never been my daily driver. Back in time, I was a big fun of Motorola Milestone/Droid series and my main phone was the last of these QWERTY phones, Photon Q (XT897). Its keyboard was fantastic and CyanogenMod 11 (Android 4.4 KitKat) with XPosed framework was perfect in both productivity and aesthetics....

October 10, 2022 · 6 min · Jun

Tweaking the Mouse

Acceleration During my teenage years, I was really into FPS and RTS games. That’s why I’m kind of picky on computer mouses and being paranoid of acceleration in the OS. Permanently disabling acceleration for Windows is simple. Besides unchecking the “Enhance pointer precision” in the main.cpl, some registry hacks such as the good old classic “CPL Mouse Fix” or the later “MarkC” would do it easily by a REG/batch file. It is also possible doing manually if you want....

September 22, 2022 · 6 min · Jun

Why I Started This Blog

In This Day and Age? Back then, when MySpace and 000webhost was the thing. I wrote blog regularly about my life and hobby. That was the beginning of my Internet journey and tweaking CSS code while posting an article was fun. Today, I’m supposed to post my stuff on somewhere like mastodon or telegram channel but here I am. Because I feel most comfortable this way. Dilemma of Giving Back The beginning of my Linux journey was with some early version of OpenWrt and BackTrack, then Puppy and Ubuntu....

April 18, 2022 · 2 min · Jun