Unblock URLs from My Own Filter Lists

Podcast doesn’t fetch I have multiple devices that are using different URL based filter methods. Some are at the router level and some are at the system level, e.g., Hosts file, DNS and VPN built-in. Recently, I found out there is a broken one in my podcast subscriptions. It’s been a long time not listening to the podcast, Startups For the Rest of Us, since I started following Rob Walling’s new show called MicroConf....

January 26, 2023 · 2 min · Jun

Why I Started This Blog

In This Day and Age? Back then, when MySpace and 000webhost was the thing. I wrote blog regularly about my life and hobby. That was the beginning of my Internet journey and tweaking CSS code while posting an article was fun. Today, I’m supposed to post my stuff on somewhere like mastodon or telegram channel but here I am. Because I feel most comfortable this way. Dilemma of Giving Back The beginning of my Linux journey was with some early version of OpenWrt and BackTrack, then Puppy and Ubuntu....

April 18, 2022 · 2 min · Jun